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Private motoring costs for cases
in the Magistrates’ Court

There are various driving offences that can only be dealt with in the Magistrates Court and these include:

  • Speeding

  • Careless driving

  • Driving with excess alcohol

  • Failing to provide a specimen

  • Drug driving

  • Failing to stop for an accident

Our hourly rates are:

Partner - £220per hour

Solicitor - £150 per hour

We offer a fixed fee service of £450 for a single plea and mitigation hearing.
If travel is more than 30 from our office, our fixed fee increases to £550.

These costs are based on an estimate of three hours work to include obtaining case papers and pursuing them; advising on the evidence and any defence; preparing the plea in mitigation; attending court; advocating with your mitigation in a bid to minimise any sentence; and having a
post court consultation, explaining the outcome.

If the matter is not resolved at the first hearing and the case is adjourned for eg. Sentencing or exceptional hardship hearing, our hourly rate will be charged after that first hearing.


Counsels fees

We will have our in-house specialist to deal with your matter unless it is more cost-effective to instruct a barrister. If your case is being dealt with on a fixed fee basis and a barrister is instructed, this will be included in the fixed fee, unless you require a specific barrister at which the fixed fee may vary significantly depending on the seniority of the barrister chosen. Counsel’s fees generally attract VAT at a rate of 20%

Travel costs

We charge milage at 45p per mile and parking costs generally range between £2.50 and £25 depending on the parking location and time spent.

Address: 3rd Floor,

207 Regent Street, London, W1B 3HH
Tel:  0203 967 2000



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Westminster Solicitors is the trading name of Westminster Solicitors Ltd, a limited liability company incorporated in England & Wales, registration number 11426234 which is registered in England and Wales and authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA ID 650053. A copy of the SRA's rules can be found at Our services are provided by solicitors of England and Wales. A list of partners is available on request. The term 'partner' refers to a director of Westminster Solicitors Ltd who is a lawyer with equivalent standing and qualifications.

© 2021 Westminster Solicitors LTD

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